What I Do

I work with small business owners to grow their ideas, their people and their reward.

You may have heard the popular zen leadership saying:

Leap and the net will appear.

I help entrepreneurs make that first (and next) leap with confidence.

I guide my clients through the ups and downs of being a small business owner and help them tackle the numbers, making sure we create and monitor a plan together that has a great chance of successful execution. I help them choose a solid and affordable infrastructure based on best practices.

I help small business owners and their teams make better decisions based on accurate and relevant information. I show them when and how to measure risks and give them tools and strategies to communicate and share information more effectively with customers, team members, shareholders and investors.

My background is in setting up and configuring accounting systems, SME cash management and debt reduction, pro-forma financial modelling, private mergers & acquisitions and business performance measurement systems. I also work with business owners to map out strategies for sales, marketing, business administration, IT infrastructure and human resources.

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